2002 Chevrolet Tracker ZR2 2-Door Convertible 4WD

Repo Information:

Price: taking bids
Vehicle Type: SUV
Location: Michigan
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Keys Located: CIO 159
General Mechanical Details: Engine cranks but will not start.
Year: 2002
Make: Chevrolet
Model: Tracker
Trim: ZR2 2-Door Convertible 4WD
Ignition Type: Key Start
VIN#: 2CNBJ78C726939164
Odometer Reading: 221061
Engine Displacement: Liters
Engine Displacement: 2.0
Number of Cylinders: 4
Fuel Type: Gas
Transmission: Automatic
Drivetrain: 4×4
Type: SUV
Title Status: Clear
Doors: 2 Door
Seats: Cloth, Manual
General Options: Power Windows, Power Locks, Power Mirrors, Cruise Control
Airconditioning: Yes
Audio: AM/FM, CD Player
Cab/Bed/Tow: Tow Package
Airbags: Driver, Passenger
Scratches: Scattered
Dents: Scattered
Rust: Scattered
Current Dash Warnings: Check Engine
Working Condition: Nonrunning for Parts and Repair – Unable to run or operate in its current condition without repair or replacement of certain elements or may only be good for parts. (Auction company is an Agent only and relies on the owner for the items description and condition)
Operating Condition on Vehicles & Options:: Auction company lists the options that the vehicle may have, however all options have not been tested or verified to be in working condition. Auction company does not conduct a road test, nor are the vehicles inspected for mechanical defects. Auction company testing is limited to driving vehicle within our auction facility lot only. For liability purposes, vehicles may be started, but not driven by customers. Please rely on your own inspection prior to bidding.
2002 Chevrolet Tracker ZR2 2-Door Convertible 4WD