Bringing home your repossessed vehicle for the first time is a wonderful feeling! By this point, you’ve probably spent hours upon hours searching for the best repo cars, doing your research on each one and placing bids.
Now that you have your car, the work isn’t done yet. Repossessed cars were previously owned by someone, and that someone may have neglected their car while they weren’t making their payments. To ensure you can drive safely in your new car, here are five things you’ll want to do after buying your repo.
1. Transfer the Title and Registration
The title is a legal slip that shows who the owner of the vehicle is.The seller should be able to process the title and perform the title transfer between you and the previous car owner. You can also apply for plates and registration on your own through your local DMV. This is an important process that must be completed before you do anything else with the repo.
2. Get Insurance
The next thing to do is insure your new car. If you already have auto insurance, all you need to do is call your agent and let them know of your new vehicle. If the car isn’t added to your insurance policy and you get into an accident, you’ll have to pay out of pocket for the repairs. And, if you don’t have insurance, work with a broker online or in person to find the most affordable car insurance.
3. Clean Your Repo
Your repo belonged to someone else, so you’ll want to give it a good cleaning. Banks and lenders are not car dealerships, so they don’t clean the repos when they come to them. You can choose to have your repo professionally cleaned or you can do it yourself. It all depends on the condition your car is in and your budget.
4. Perform Repairs and General Maintenance
Some repos need a lot of work and others need none. Again, it depends on the vehicle you bought and how much you spent. Sellers try to make note of the repairs the vehicle will need, but you’re also buying the repo as-is. This means that whatever problems the car has, you will inherit. At the very least, check the oil, change or rotate the tires, change all the filters and replace all other fluids.
5. Review the Owner’s Manual
Lastly, look over the owner’s manual. If your car doesn’t have one, you should be able to get one online. The owner’s manual contains basic information about the car so that you can determine the correct tire pressure, recognize the lights on the dashboard and schedule routine maintenance.
To find the best repos at great prices, shop with today. We have a huge selection of repossessed inventory, including pickup trucks, motorcycles, sedans, SUVs, minivans and more.