When buying a new car, it’s a good idea to consider how much your insurance rates will be. To help you out, there are several studies that provide this research so that consumers know which cars will be most affordable. Fortunately, knowing this information can help you save hundreds of dollars a year on car insurance!
What Determines the Price of an Auto Insurance Policy?
First, it’s helpful to know how car insurance is calculated, as it’s not all about the car you drive. Each company has their own formula, which is why rates vary among car insurance companies. However, most companies use the following factors to determine the price of their auto policies:
- Your driving record
- Your credit history
- How often you use your car
- Where you park your car
- Your age and gender
- The type of car you drive
What Cars Have the Cheapest Insurance Rates?
Even though there are many factors that influence what you pay for insurance, the type of car you buy can make a big difference on your rates. If you’re trying to keep your monthly expenses down, you’ll want to be aware of the most and least expensive cars to insure. And as always, compare rates with multiple carriers.
Generally speaking, minivans and small trucks are the cheapest to insure compared to other vehicles. On the other hand, large sedans, sports vehicles and luxury cars have some of the most expensive insurance rates. New cars are also more expensive to insure because they’re worth more.
Specifically, here is a breakdown of the ten least expensive vehicles to insure:
- Honda CR-V – Small SUV
- Chrysler Pacifica – Minivan
- Honda Odyssey – Minivan
- Ford F-Series – Standard pickup truck
- Toyota RAV4 – Small SUV
- Chevrolet Equinox – Small SUV
- Chevrolet Colorado – Small pickup truck
- Toyota Tundra – Standard pickup truck
- Honda Ridgeline – Small pickup truck
- Ford Fiesta – Subcompact car
Other Ways to Save on Your Auto Insurance
Aside from the type of car you buy, there are some other ways to save on car insurance. Bundling your auto insurance with a life or home policy is one of the best ways to get a discount. Also ask the insurance carrier about discounts they offer for safe driving, having no claims, being a good student and having safety features in the vehicle.
For a great price on vehicles, shop with RepoFinder.com. We have a huge database of cars, small and standard pickup trucks, SUVs and more that are owned by banks or lenders. They don’t want these cars and are motivated to sell them to a new owner! You can get a great deal this way, and if you shop smart, you can save on car insurance, too!