2007 CHEVROLET G3500

Repo Information:

Price: Taking Bids
Vehicle Type: Commercial, Truck
Location: Michigan
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Year: 2007 Make: CHEVROLET Model: G3500 Ignition Type: Key Start VIN#: 1GBJG316271226943 Odometer Reading: 351375 Engine Displacement: Liters Engine Displacement: 6.6 Number of Cylinders: 8, TurboFuel Type: DieselTransmission: AutomaticDrivetrain: RWDType: VanTitle Status: ClearDoors: 2 DoorSeats: Cloth, ManualAirconditioning: YesAudio: AM/FMCab/Bed/Tow: Trailer Brake ControlAirbags: Driver, PassengerScratches: ScatteredDents: MinorRust: MinorCurrent Dash Warnings: Check Engine, CoolantWorking Condition: Runs and Operates

2007 CHEVROLET G3500